Focused Networks Boost Confidence and Quality

Thursday, Jul. 20, 2017
African American, Latino, and Slavic child care providers who had limited access to professional development opportunities are gaining new skills through Focused Child Care Networks.

ELM Shares PAC Insights at Collective Impact Forum

Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2017
What happens when you flip the power dynamic and seat parents at the head of the decision-making table? ELM’s Parent Accountability Council (PAC) is an innovative model for doing just that—and it’s starting to generate interest nationwide.

Early Registration Positively Impacts Kindergarten Attendance

Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2017
Latest registration data analysis includes more than 6,500 kindergartners across six school districts.

How ELM Is Transforming the Early Learning System

Monday, May. 22, 2017
Our partners share how they think the early learning system in our county has changed since Early Learning Multnomah formed. They now feel more connected, better informed, and are more consistently looking to parents as leaders of change.

Presenting ELM's New Logo

Monday, May. 22, 2017
Our new logo is here! Learn how it reflects our work and the families we serve.

Kindergarten Sign Up Campaign Kicks Off

Thursday, Apr. 13, 2017
Learn what’s new about this year’s campaign to get kids signed up for kindergarten by June — new language, new culturally specific materials, and an expanded campaign across Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties.

From Isolation to Connection: The Power of Home Visiting

Monday, Mar. 13, 2017
When Ngo came to Portland, she felt overwhelmed and alone. Then, her son was born. The country was new. Being a mom was new. She was starting from scratch. Myle Cao from IRCO was the missing link to her new “family.”

Teacher Home Visits Create Meaningful Learning Opportunities

Tuesday, Mar. 7, 2017
Meet Sarah Adams, kindergarten teacher in David Douglas School District. She’s been doing home visits with incoming kindergarteners and their families for two years. Her assessment? “It’s really powerful.”

Legislators Visit Preschool Families

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017

Representative Barbara Smith Warner visited two Preschool Promise classrooms in east Multnomah County last month: CAIRO Academy and the Head Start program at Mt. Hood Community College.

Parents Support Parents Through Community Education Worker Program

Friday, Jan. 13, 2017
Meet Laura Peraza and Cecilia Diaz. They help young kids learn as much as they can—as early as possible—while also helping parents build confidence and skills as their kids’ first and best teachers.

Kindergarten Practice

Monday, Aug. 29, 2016
In August, kids from all over Multnomah County participate in summer transition programs to “practice” before the big day. Early Kindergarten Transition (EKT) programs boost attendance in kindergarten and create school leaders big and small.

ELM Celebrates Parent Voice

Monday, Aug. 1, 2016
What does it mean to have parent voice at the center? It means that parents help us set priorities and affect how and where we invest time and money. In 2016, ELM and its Parent Accountability Council (PAC) celebrated two years of deciding together.