
Our Strategic Plan

We envision a world where families, healthcare professionals, preschool teachers, principals, policymakers, community leaders, and neighbors work together to give every child what they need to learn and grow.

It's our job to connect the right people and organizations to create this strong network of support for families in our priority population.

Our Guiding Principles

Developed by the Parent Accountability Council

We have a priority population.
We focus on children who are called “at risk” but who are really “full of promise.” 

family engagement
system coordination

Our Investment Strategy

1. The early childhood system is aligned, coordinated, and family-centered

Develop and implement a shared strategic vision and work plan to achieve the early childhood system goals

  1. Use partnerships across sectors to dismantle the factors that allow inequity to flourish
    • Build Sector Council with leaders ready to leverage broader system change
    • Stay accountable to the Parent Accountability Council in resource allocation and strategy development
  2. Set family-driven priorities for our hub region and align investments
    • Connect PAC and Sector Council to reach hub goals
    • Include partner voice in hub work plan
    • Invest hub resources in accordance with work plan
    • Create data sharing agreements where needed

2. Children are supported to enter school ready to succeed

Challenge and support early learning and K-12 partners to serve children and families of color effectively

  1. Collaborate with early learning providers, culturally specific organizations and school districts to ensure that children in priority populations have access to quality early learning experiences prior to kindergarten entry
    • Fund Preschool Promise sites
    • Fund professional development for family members, preschool teachers and professionals
    • Fund Spark and CLASS support for early learning teachers
    • Fund Focused Child Care Networks
    • Co-lead Preschool for All initiative
    • Co-lead regional hub/CCO partnership for developmental screening, referral and services
    • Fund production of Early STEM kits
    • Sponsor All Born (In) cross–disabilities conference
  2. Strengthen connections between early learning and K-3 education by increasing the link between the SUN Community School system and early learning
    • Fund P-3 Schools
    • Fund Kindergarten Teacher Home Visits (the Parent Teacher Home Visiting Project)
    • Fund and co-lead regional “sign-up for kindergarten” campaign

3. Families are healthy, stable and attached

Spark shifts in thinking and practice to disrupt the barriers that families of color face 

  1. Work with early learning programs and other partners to ensure children and families from priority populations have access to culturally responsive family support services
    • Fund Community Education Workers
    • Fund Parent Child Development Services (PCDS)
    • Introduce VROOM into local DHS offices
    • Build local chapter of National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)
  2. Collaborate with the health sector to address the social determinants of health for young children and their families 
    • Fund and co-lead a regional hub/CCO partnership on school readiness
    • Fund We Are Home
    • Sponsor Early Childhood Mental Health conference